Our Mission
Our agency’s mission is to conduct research and implement projects in educational development and improve communication between the Hearing and Deaf communities.

Our History
Silent Environment Educational Kamp (S.E.E.K) was founded in 1976 as a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization with an EIN # 91-0961381.
Our previous work has focused on disadvantaged youth programs and improved healthcare delivery to Deaf patients. We have a small Board of Directors who, during the past 45 years, has guided a sustainable organization responsible for many outstanding accomplishments. S.E.E.K’s programs resulted in several distinguished service awards in Washington and Alaska. Staff size varies according to project, and during the past decade, all the administrative activities were volunteered. Our projects initially impacted local and regional residents. However, the effects eventually extend nationally due to our work’s broad applicability.
Previous projects include:
Establishing a workforce for disadvantaged youth, Central Washington | Establishing Advanced Special Olympics programs in Alaska | ||
Developing a foster care network for troubled youth, Central Washington | Creating support groups for incarcerated Indigenous Alaskans | ||
Creating outdoor educational programs to provide experiences for youth with disadvantages both physical and social, Central Washington |
Creating a medical sign language dictionary translating medical terms into American Sign Language, Washington State | Providing representation for Persons with Disabilities via the Alaska Governor’s Committee |
Learn more about our online course, Medi-Sign, here
Our Values
We believe that all groups of people should be included in the benefits of society. One important societal benefit is sharing ideas and clear, open communication. Because deafness limits speech communication, it’s easier for hearing people to learn to sign than for deaf people to learn to see or hear speech. We promote programs and projects that (1) encourage hearing people to learn sign language and (2) promote effective communication between deaf and hearing people.